RAZOR BRANDING BLOG: Your Customers Are Online

Your Customers Are Online

Periodic Table of the Internet by dullhunk

You need to take your company where your customers are.

For so long there was traditional media. Any company that wanted to build their brand utilized one of the three broadcast television networks, handful of radio stations or one town newspaper.

Then along came new media. An avalanche of television options, hundreds of stations to fill every niche interest out there. And radio stations - in some markets there are hundreds of radio stations to consider. Now, even the smallest town has multiple print choices, from a daily newspaper to weekly and monthly publications.

And now there is social media. Yet I hear clients every day trying to stick with the mass media that got them here.

But times have changed. These days over 80% of consumers research their options on the internet first. Will they find you?

Social networks are a legitimate place to have a conversation with your customers. Engage them. Build your brand online.

As this Business Week article explains, adults are getting online in rapid numbers.

ô€‚„ 75% of online adults 18-24 have a profile on a social network site

ô€‚„ 57% of online adults 25-34 have a profile on a social network

This is where your customers are going, who is there to great them when they arrive?

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